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General information

The personal data communicated by the user are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The Luxembourg State collects no personal data other than the IP addresses contained in the server logs. These are collected for security reasons. User consent is not required before visiting this website.

The controller for these processing operations is the Body that is responsible for this website.

Users can file claims relating to the protection of their personal data through the various communication channels available, and directly to the controller who, in this case, is the Body responsible for this website at the following email address:

Users may also refer to the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission nationale pour la protection des données), headquartered at 15, Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux.

Processing in connection with audience measurement

Certain data relating to the user's hardware and software, which are not capable of revealing the user's identity, are collected when they visit the public-domain site. The sole purpose of collecting such data is to garner statistics on website traffic (type of browser, resolution, approximate location, and so on) in order to provide users with the best possible experience.

Under no circumstances is the user's full IP address retained. Only part of the IP address is retained for the purpose of computing overall statistics, and there is no way of identifying users.

These data are retained and hosted in Europe, in a solution provided by a subcontractor – specifically, Adobe Systems Inc. – who, as such, is subject to the same legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data, if those data were to be harvested in the future.

The data are retained for no longer than is necessary to observe how audiences evolve as a function of browser use, resolution settings or other available statistical data.

The controller for these processing operations is the Body responsible for this website

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